{{:: 'controllers.documentation.chooseFramework' | translate }}
PM > Install-Package NikSms.Library.Net
PM > Install-Package NikSms.Library.NetCore
using NikSms.Library.Net.ViewModels; using NikSms.Library.Net.WebApi; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AwesomeApplication { public class NikSmsApiV2Client { private readonly PublicApiV2 service; public NikSmsApiV2Client(string username, string password) { service = new PublicApiV2(username, password); } public async Task<ApiV2ContactMember> ContactMemberCreate(string description, string email, string fullName, int groupId, string mobile, string state, Nullable<DateTime> birthDate, bool isMale = true, bool isMarried = false) { var result = await service.ContactMemberCreate(new ApiV2ContactMember { BirthDate = birthDate, Description = description, Email = email, FullName = fullName, GroupId = groupId, Male = isMale, Married = isMarried, Mobile = mobile, State = state }); switch (result.Status) { case LibOperationResultStatus.Success: return result.Data; case LibOperationResultStatus.InvalidModel: throw new Exception("Some required inputs are misssing..."); case LibOperationResultStatus.UnAuthorized: throw new Exception("Some thing is wrong with your account (call support!)"); case LibOperationResultStatus.Failed: throw new Exception("Ooops its our fault!"); default: throw new Exception("You sould not be here... :D"); } } } }